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A child centred approach to movement play.
2001 |
Cato Ridge, South Africa. Jasmine was invited to work in an orphanage where the children are all affected by HIV/AIDS:
either orphaned or abandoned, or carrying the virus.
2000 |
West Howe, Bournemouth. A pilot project for parents and their pre-school children as part of a programme called Creating
Community Through the Arts. More work is planned through Sure Start for 2002.
1998 - 2000 |
Jasmine is a freelance trainer for Jabadao Centre for Movement Studies, and has been developing movement play activities
with young children, parents and nursery staff in the East End of London as part of a national programme of work,
organised by East London Dance.
early years |
Jasmine (pictured left) started dancing when she was only three years old. Resisting most adult requests to "Sit still"
or "Stop being silly" she delighted in climbing trees, fighting with her brothers, rollerskating,
pony riding, and especially dancing. She went on to train as a professional dancer with an enduring
respect for body intelligence.
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